Why You May Need to Find a Gynaecologist Near You



An obstetrician/gynaecologist is essential for every woman to maintain feminine health to the highest standards. However, going for a check-up with a gynaecologist is not as easy as searching with the term “gynaecologist near me” and going to them. The sense of modesty in a woman imbibes a fear of consulting private body parts with someone else, even if it is a doctor. This gives rise to anxiety and forms misconceptions regarding checking up with a gynaecologist. All of these are baseless, to say the least, and there are a lot of good reasons why going to see the gynaecologist is the right thing to do.

Taking Care of General Gynaecological Health:

Regular appointments with gynaecologists help in stopping any serious ailments in their tracks. One appointment at least once a month or once in two months should be there on every woman’s calendar. This habit should be inculcated in girls as well when they come of age. This will not only help to take care of the female health, but will also help to develop an educated and better sexual life. Regular check-ups help in the early detection of issues, giving more time to treat them properly.

Detecting Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections:

Getting a regular pelvic exam from the gynaecologist is critical to monitor and detect any strange growth or any other abnormalities that may have developed. This also helps to detect sexually transmitted diseases and infections. Women who have an active sexual life should make it a point to get regular check-ups done from the top gynaecologists in Kolkata to ensure that they have a healthy body.

Irregularities in Menstrual Cycle:

The menstrual cycle runs on the biological clock. There is no chance of it being irregular unless there is something major and bad going on. It may not seem much, but hidden behind irregularities in the menstrual cycle could be very serious issues. The gynaecologist will be able to know what is wrong from whether the cycles have become longer or shorter, how heavy the bleeding is and the intensity of the cramps. They will be able to diagnose the problem and treat it in the proper manner.

Using Birth Control:

Birth control is a familiar thing with women who are sexually active and do not wish to become pregnant. However, birth control is not a very safe thing to practice without the expert supervision and consultation with a gynaecologist. Doctors are the only ones who can prescribe the method of birth control that works best for your body and lifestyle while avoiding drastic side effects.

Check-up of Breasts:

With breast cancer becoming a global concern, it is no surprise that every organization and influencer is trying to raise awareness. Regular manual check-up of breasts for lumps or formation of masses of tissue, is an effective way to avoid the risk of contracting cancer. This should be done with the gynaecologist with whom you feel absolutely comfortable, so start finding one now.

Changes in Discharge from the Vagina and Urinary Problems:

Abnormal vaginal discharge is the first sign of an infection. This could escalate when you have pain while peeing or there is blood in the urine. It is best not to waste any time and consult with the top gynaecologists in Kolkata.

Healthy Pregnancy:

Pregnant women should definitely take the help of an obstetrician/gynaecologist to ensure that they have a healthy pregnancy without any issues. This also helps to take care of any complications during birth of the child. Constant monitoring leads to a healthy mother as well as a healthy baby.

Regular visits to a gynaecologist near you will improve your personal health and have a positive effect on the lifestyle. Find the best gynaecologist for you at Orko’s Appointment.


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